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  2. Schooltrip Xàtiva fortified


Available all year

One-day schooltrip package that includes official guides, monitors, entrance to Casa Ensenyança and Almodí, as well as a gymkhana in Játiva, games at the Castle. The schooltrip begins around 10:30 am with the reception of the group in Játiva and ends at 3:30 pm. Recommended for primary and secondary. Learning about the Borjas through this Játiva will be unique experience


More Information

  • Other information:
    • Price per student, minimum group 40 people. From Monday to Friday in school season from September to June

This experience also includes...

  • Ticket entrance Casa Ensenyança (Felip Vth)

  • Ticket entrances Almodí Museum

  • Ticket entrance Xàtiva Castle

  • Licensed guides

  • Monitors

  • Games and dynamics